Physical Review E

This page contains references to paper published in the journal Physical Review E. The list is ordered by year of publication and then by the first author's last name.


Guerra2010 — B. Guerra, J. Gomez-Gardenes: Annealed and mean-field formulations of disease dynamics on static and adaptive networks.
Jo2010 — H.-H. Jo, H.-K. Lee, H. Park: Collective helping and bystander effects in coevolving helping networks.
Marceau2010 — V. Marceau, P.-A. Noël, L. Hébert-Dufresne, A. Allard, L.J. Dubé: Adaptive networks: coevolution of disease and topology.
Shaw2010 — L.B. Shaw, I.B. Schwartz: Enhanced vaccine control of epidemics in adaptive networks.
Zhu2010 — J.-F. Zhu, M. Zhao, W. Yu, C. Zhou, B.-H. Wang: Better synchronizability in generalized adaptive networks.


Benczik2009 — I. J. Benczik, S. Z. Benczik, B. Schmittmann, R. K. P. Zia: Opinion dynamics on an adaptive random network.
Chen2009 — X. Chen, F. Fu, L. Wang: Social tolerance allows cooperation to prevail in an adaptive environment.
Fu2009 — F. Fu, T. Wu, L. Wang: Partner switching stabilizes cooperation in coevolutionary prisoner's dilemma.
Iñiguez2009 — G. Iñiguez, J. Kertész, K.K. Kaski, R.A. Barrio: Opinion and community formation in coevolving networks.
Mandra2009 — S. Mandrà, S. Fortunato, C. Castellano: Coevolution of Glauber-like Ising dynamics and topology.
Meisel2009 — C. Meisel, T. Gross: Self-organized criticality in a realistic model of adaptive neural networks.


Burda2008 — Z. Burda, A. Krzywicki, O. C. Martin: Adaptive networks of trading agents.
Fu2008 — F. Fu, C. Hauert, M.A. Nowak, L. Wang: Reputation-based partner choice promotes cooperation in social networks.
Kimura2008 — D. Kimura, Y. Hayakawa: Coevolutionary networks with homophily and heterophily.
Kozma2008 — B. Kozma, A. Barrat: Consensus formation on adaptive networks.
Shaw2008 — L.B. Shaw, I.B. Schwartz: Fluctuating epidemics on adaptive networks.
Suzuki2008 — R. Suzuki, M. Kato, T. Arita: Cyclic coevolution of cooperative behaviors and network structures.


Li2007 — W. Li, X. Zhang, G. Hu: How scale-free networks and large-scale collective cooperation emerge in complex homogeneous social systems.
Tanimoto2007 — J. Tanimoto: Dilemma solving by the coevolution of networks and strategy in a 2×2 game.
Vazquez2007 — F. Vazquez, J.C. González-Avella, V.M. Eguíluz, M. San Miguel: //Time-scale competition leading to fragmentation and recombination


Ehrhardt2006 — G.C.M.A. Ehrhardt, M. Marsili, F. Vega-Redondo: Phenomenological models of socioeconomic network dynamics.
Grabowski2006 — A. Grabowski, R. A. Kosinski: Evolution of a social network: The role of cultural diversity.
Holme2006 — P. Holme, M.E.J. Newman: Nonequilibrium phase transition in the coevolution of networks and opinions.
Rosvall2006 — M. Rosvall, K. Sneppen: Modeling self-organization of communication and topology in social networks.


Zimmermann2005 — M.G. Zimmermann, V.M. Eguíluz: Cooperation, social networks, and the emergence of leadership in a prisoner’s dilemma with adaptive local interactions.


Zimmermann2004 — M.G. Zimmermann, V.M. Eguíluz, M. San Miguel: Coevolution of dynamical states and interactions in adaptive networks.

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